Bill Gunter

    Born and raised in Lexington, South Carolina, Bill attended Lexington High School and was a part of a State Championship Basketball team his senior year of 2000. Although he rarely left the bench, except for the final seconds of the state championship game against Marlboro County, his mission was to retrieve the game ball …. however he failed at doing so. Upon learning that 5-foot-7 point guards with average athletic ability are not in high demand at the college level, Gunter entered the University of South Carolina.  It took him just under six years to graduate with a degree in History and a minor in journalism & business management. Gunter always enjoyed being around sports and embarked on a career of coaching as an assistant varsity basketball coach under Bailey Harris at Lexington.  He was also head coach of the 9th grade boys team.  Gunter left the coaching profession in 2009 to pursue a career in the sports journalism field.  That led him to working with as a recruiting analyst, as a beat writer for Gamecock athletics and Spurs and Feathers as a columnist. During that time, Gunter also worked in the Sports Talk Radio field as both host and co-host of several different shows in the Columbia market.  He has two children, daughter Ansley and son Austin.

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    Email Bill here.

